Here is the official report from NUFORC. A great database but I wish they would update more than 6 times a year. Like I should talk. lol.
Occurred : 10/10/2008 04:50 (Entered as : 10/10/08 4:50)
Reported: 10/10/2008 12:15:22 PM 12:15
Posted: 10/31/2008
Location: Evansville, IN
Shape: Formation
Duration:10 minutes+
I saw a huge V-shaped object moving slowly and silently over the roof tops in my neighborhood.
I heard a noise that woke me up about 4:40 AM. It sounded like jets flying over low and they continued for several minutes so I got up to looked outside. The jet noise was gone but I saw an oval shaped object high in the sky with a series of rotating/strobing lights on the bottom. I shut the door and went to get my glasses and when I opened the door again there was a huge V-shaped object, very low in the sky, huge, moving silently and slowly across the sky. Moving North to southwest directly over my backyard, then over my neighbor's house. I stared at it for several minutes. I was so scared I just shut the door again. I decided to open the door again and when I did, the other oval shaped thing was back in the same place in the sky and the V-shaped thing was gone. This happened this morning. I live near the Expressway but I have not heard of any news reports of anyone else seeing it. This V shaped thing looked as big as a warehouse or bigger.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))
I have witnessed these as well North East side of Evansville, IN I’m and around subdivision three times. First in March 2022 then a month ago and again last pm June 14,2022! One was right over roof in my subdivision as if following me home from work!! All occurred about 11:25 pm.
Should say in and around subdivision.
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