I just stumbled across this comment left on realufos.net. It is not an officially filed report, but none the less interesting.
Anonymous said...
I live in Evansville, Indiana and I saw something very similar at 5AM on October 10,2008. First I heard a bunch of military jets flying over. They were so loud I got up and looked outside. Then I saw a group of bright objects flying in a triangle formation. They flew directly over my garage. Totally no sound. It looked like a triangle shaped platform was directly above them. It was huge. As big as a warehouse. Maybe 100 feet up flying 10 mph with no sound. I also saw another one shaped like an oval further away in the distance. I live near Lloyd Expressway on the eastside of Evansville. This thing came from northeast direction looks like it would have flown over Newburgh, IN flying southwest. It had to fly over I 164 and the Lloyd. If anyone else saw this on Oct. 10, 2008 between 4:30 and 5 AM, contact Southern Indiana Mufon. They know how to contact me. It would make me feel better to know someone else saw this. Thanks
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