I just discovered this article under local news headlines on yahoo.
UFO in Gibson County?
Reported by: Web Producer
Friday, Jul 11, 2008 @05:53pm CST
For the second time within a week, a UFO sighting has been reported in southwestern Indiana. The first report was on July 4th. An unidentified person near Mackey in Gibson County snapped a picture on his cell phone then posted it on a national UFO website. It reportedly shows a glowing orange object moving from north to southwest. Early Friday morning, a man in Huntingburg reported seeing several bright lights in a "V" shape, but as he retrieved his camera, the lights disappeared. Police say they did not receive any other reports of the lights.
And here is the report from NUFORC:
Occurred : 7/4/2008 21:30 (Entered as : 07/04/08 21:30)
Reported: 7/5/2008 5:33:48 AM 05:33
Posted: 7/5/2008
Location: Mackey, IN
Shape: Fireball
Duration:1.5 minutes
Glowing orange craft seen over Macky Indiana. 7-4-08.
The object is on the left. There were no objects visible. However, the picture shows two. The object made no sound. It was glowing orange and moved fron the North to South West. It changed directions slowly to more South East and then disappeared. It was directly over a 80 acre farm field just East of our home. The object was lower than an cell phone tower that it passed, which was just North of the field. It moved slow at approximatel 15-30 miles per our. Eight people saw the object. The picture was taken with a cell phone. (see pic above)
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