On Wednesday April 2nd a "Very dimly lit , low flying and silent triangular object" was spotted over Evansville, Indiana. The sighting lasted about two minutes and took place at around 8:20 PM. Here is the witness report from the NUFORC database.
"On the aforementioned date at the aforementioned time I was on the telephone in the 3rd floor apartment that I live in in Evansville, Indiana. I had been talking to a friend of mine and decided to take the conversation out onto the balcony while I smoked a cigarette. The night sky was clear and the stars were very visible. As I spoke on the phone to my friend and smoked I looked up at the night sky because the view was spectacular. At this time I saw a triangular shaped dimly lit object come over the apartment building and move at a steady but somewhat slow pace on a northwest trajectory. It only seemed to be about 200 to 300 feet above the ground and not very large. It made absolutely no sound. I watched in astonishment and relayed what I was seeing to my friend via phone. I then hung up and thought about what I had seen to see if there was a "logical explanation". I thought of geese because of the somewhat low flight pattern. However in my experience here in Indiana you ALWAYS hear geese when they fly overhead. HONK HONK! This also fails to explain the LIGHTED nature of what I had seen. It was almost like a kite with very dimly lit lights along its edges Possibly six if you count the point. It was so dimly lit in fact that if not for the motion of it I may not have noticed it at all. I called my mother in Louisiana to describe the event to her and once again as I was talking to her I scanned the skies. It was then that I sighted movement in the northwest and saw the same object taking a "nosedive" downward for about 5 seconds and then once again disappear. First time I have ever experienced a sighting of any kind in the night skies."
As always if you have any info on this event, or you would like to make your own report please leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
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