Well, it's been a few months, and you know what that means. NUFORC finally updated their reports. And Evansville is on it again. This one is from January. And it is a very short report:
National UFO Reporting Center Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/21/2009 18:15 (Entered as : 01/21/09 18:15)
Reported: 1/21/2009 4:55:26 PM 16:55
Posted: 3/19/2009
Location: Evansville, IN
Shape: Unknown
Duration:4 seconds
A yellowish light shot through the sky like a meteor but arched and disappeared.
That's it. Not very detailed.
But here I would like to say that I myself have been frequently seeing this same type of activity here in Evansville. Anytime I go outside, whether it is to take the dog out or coming and going from the car, I almost always take a look at the skies. Over the past two months or so, I have been seeing what appears to be fairly large and bright white lights moving quickly through the sky. Most times I see it at early evening, just after sunset. There is almost constant air traffic around here. So I could not be more used to seeing airplanes and helicopters in the sky. I am quite familiar with how they look and act. These white "orbs" for lack of a better term, appear larger than a normal aircraft light. And they are constantly illuminated, never blinking or flashing. Also they seem to be moving quite quickly, seemingly faster than an airplane. But not super fast. They are usually lower on the horizon. For instance, one I saw recently just after I backed out of my driveway, and started heading west on my road. Each side of the road has many trees, and I saw it go from left to right between the break in the trees. See my included sketch. This is about all of the detail I can give. Has anyone else been seeing this activity or anything similar? Please comment and let us know.