Here is a great report with sketch. I was made aware by one of the witnesess but I took the report from www.ufosnw.com
Date of Sighting: August 17, 2008
Time of Sighting: 9:30 PM CDT
Date Sighting Reported: August 18, 2008
Duration of Sighting: 8 to 10 Minutes
Location of Sighting: Evansville, Indiana (Right Across Ohio River From Kentucky)
Latitude: 38.03 Degrees North
Longitude: 87.4 Degrees West
Number of Witnesses: Two
Number of Witnesses Interviewed: Two
Weather: Clear Skies. Visibility Was 10 Miles. Winds Were From the North-Northeast at 4 MPH.
Description: I can't believe I am reporting this because my boyfriend and I talked about not telling anyone since this would make us seem crazy or people would just not believe us anyway. Here is what happened: This was the scariest night of my life and his. We were driving down Morgan Avenue and there are corn fields on each side of the road. I had seen a car parked on the side of the road and then another not too far up the road. I made a comment to my boyfriend about that and he said maybe car trouble. I had a feeling they were watching something. So I looked over at the fields and immediately noticed 2 kind of bright lights that were not close to each other, but the same height. They looked like they were above the trees and in front of them. The color was different and was kind of a bright yellow. There was something not right or normal about those lights. The light to the left looked like it went down and disappeared, but the other light that was closer to us was still there. We turned on one of the country roads off Morgan Avenue and were trying to drive towards the lights. we could tell we was getting closer and I thought we would just find out it was a radio tower light or something like that. The road had no street lights and we did not see another car driving on that street. Well, we are driving towards the lights and then my boyfriend said: it is moving towards us. I was scared and told him to stop the van to see if it was moving. So we came to a stop sign and I looked at the light and it started moving the opposite direction. It did NOT turn around like an airplane. It just started going the opposite direction away from us rather fast. We kept going down the street and there was heavy trees everywhere. In between breaks in the trees, we could see the light and it was getting smaller. Then we didn't see it. We decided to keep driving that street until we saw a place to turn around and go back home. What happened next is what totally changed my whole life. What we witnessed was so terrifying and unexplainable. All the sudden we found a place to turn around and on his side of the road was this big long fat cigar shaped thing. It was huge. Lights were going down the sides of it and they were going in a row down the side of it and then instantly they would go down the side of it again. I was so scared, we couldn't believe what we were seeing. It was huge and he turned in this driveway and backed up and then it was on my side. There were trees right beside the road. The trees were heavy and thick and there was this "thing" the size of an airplane, kind of shaped like an airplane without any wings. It was kind of like a big fat whitish cigar. IT MADE NO NOISE WHATSOEVER. It was so close to us. It was going down behind the trees looking like it was landing AND ABSOLUTELY NO NOISE. We were so scared. I kept telling my boyfriend to to go go go. He drove fast and finally we made it back to the main highway. I kept looking back and didn't see it anymore. We could not believe what we had seen. The lights were so weird how they flickered down a row down the side of the "craft."
If anyone else has any futher information about this nights activity, please contact me directly at commodoresecrets@yahoo.com
i am the one who posted this. ill NEVER forget that night or what we seen. we have only mentioned it to a couple close people, who more or less thought we was crazy. so we do not talk about it to other people....just ourselves. we was talking about it a couple evenings ago and still look at each other and cant believe what we saw. we have seen things in the sky since, we wont discuss it with anyone. but nothing like what we witnessed on 8-17-2008.
Me and my wife had a extremely simular experience our was almost exactly the same in the country in GA 2003 we saw it twice just me and her. Please contact us so we can discuss this strange event. 423-991-0092
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