I always found this to be a very interesting report from the Indiana MUFON site. What are your thoughts? Please comment.
Silver Globe
August, 1953 Submitted to MUFON: April 16, 2008
Evansville, Indiana County: Vanderburgh
As a child of six years old I was playing in the alley beside our home in the 400 block of third Street in Evansville on a day in August of 1953. My mother was in the kitchen at the sink which overlooked alley where I was playing. I heard a loud humming sound overhead, There was a large silvery colored globe approximately 100 feet in diameter over a tree beside the alley, about fifty feet in the air. A loud humming sound was coming from it. The globe had a band of portal windows that circled around the globe. Humanoid figures were peering out those portals watching me play. My mother seeing the craft sent for my father to bring me in the house. She called the police. Numerous police cars arrived in moments. The police began firing at the globe with rifles, pistols and shotguns. That went on for about one hour. The craft never seemed to be hit are damaged. Then it finally just went straight up into the air until it disappeared. I had a large bushel basket of those shell casings that I picked up out of the alley until I threw them away as a freshman in high school.
Investigators comments: Mr. Lain definitely remembers his described event as a child. No record of this event has been found by the Evansville paper and was apparently never reported by the news media at the time. Based on witnesses data and response we can only call this report "unknown" with insufficient evidence.
Status: Unknown